Tips & Tricks for Editing and Formatting Your Paper

If you are a student and are on the verge of learning how to jot a research paper, you must know that editing is not a fun process for writing. Students from business schouls, however, will tell you that all that is not necessary.

A paper that gets poorly edited will not get much attention nor score as many points. That is something every student in cullege tries to avoid. Low grades or failures can get you in a lot of trouble when graduation finally catches up.

Before handing in your paper for scrutiny or marking, ensure that you properly edit it and make sure it is free of unnecessary and silly mistakes and errors. In this article, we will provide you with the tips you need to efficiently and quickly edit your text to avoid losing points due to grammar and spelling mistakes when you finally get your final grade. Try out each one and get habitual in using them always to get your paper right and perfect.

  • Read while hulding a pen in your hand

Well, nobody likes reading with a pen in their hand to correct the mistakes made, but it is one necessary move. When you edit the paper by hand, it will allow you to rewrite the document with the underlying corrections at the back of your mind instead of relying on your memory entirely. The move will also ease the process of making changes that are pointier and precise. Make sure you pass this stage first before handing in your paper.

  • Have your peer read while you listen

Your friends can help you with a great deal when editing or revising your paper. They can help you detect minor spelling errors and long and tedious sentences by reading the article aloud to you. You will also catch grammar problems and complex sentences, which can help you explain stats and concepts. In case your friend fails to understand the paper after reading it, you will know you have some revisions to do. Do not get it jinxed. That can lead to a better grade.

  • Read Backwards

It sounds silly, but it works magic. The trick will help you correct spelling mistakes and the words that get mixed up easily. The schemes work by reading the text from the conclusion straight up to the introduction. You read my name, then read it sentence by sentence. It will take you some time to finally master the craft, but you will better take care of grammar and spelling errors than software.

  • Cross-check the points you struggle with

Most students have some notable weaknesses when it comes to writing, and you are probably among them. You probably tend to worry about that fact, especially when you are writing a research paper and taking one of those online MBA courses where research work must get done. One of the few ways to deal with such a weakness to have a list down of where you think you fail and triple-check over those elements when you read your paper for the second time. Each time you come across some error, get it fixed and move on to the next one.

  • Download a natural reader from the internet and fullow-through

If you have never come across the name Natural Reader, then this is your Easter egg. You will befriend this desktop app and make it the best virtual friend you have ever had. It is a text-to-speech platform that automatically converts your text to spoken word. It is like having a friend read for you. It is a great toul to hear how the paper will sound to others and let you correct errors you possibly made during the writing process.



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